About Us

National Organisation

Waikato Zone is part of The Scout Association of New Zealand, also known as "SCOUTS Aotearoa". Visit www.scouts.nz for more information. The Chief Executive Chris Wilson along with the national team are based in Wellington and are located at:

Level 1, 1 Kaiwharawhara Road, Wellington, or via post to
PO Box 11348
Wellington 6142
Phone (04) 815 9260 or 0800 SCOUTS (0800 726 887)


New Zealand is divided into territories for administrative purposes and Waikato Zone is part of the Upper North Island (UNI) Territory. The General Manager Vicki Hawkins may be contacted via:

E-mail vicki.hawkins@scouts.nz

Further information may also be found via:
Facebook www.facebook.com/uniregion/


The Zone team provides support to Scout Groups throughout the wider Waikato (click HERE for the location and other details of each Group). The team roles cover the following aspects:
- Adults in Scouting (AIS) - responsible for maintaining the Zone Website and Facebook, Group Annual Meetings and Committees.
- Events - responsible for organising and running events including Piopio Adventure Camp, Church Parade, JOTA/JOTI, and Spring Regatta.
- Health & Safety - provides guidance and support around risk, child protection, and health and safety to Groups.
- Property - responsible for leases of buildings/Scout halls, governance, maintenance of properties, and management of the Norton Rd Hall.
- Section Leaders - provides assistance to Groups and Leaders at a section level including training and support.

The dedicated team have many years of experience in various parts of the Scouting movement at a section, regional and national level including large event organising and management, policy and procedure task forces, national council, Leader training/development, and being involved with international and local events.

The Zone team can be contacted via the individual e-mail addresses under each person's photo below or through scoutswaikato@gmail.com

Meet the Zone Team

Jane Hansen

Zone Leader


Michael Murray

Zone Secretary


Mark Boggiss

Zone Treasurer & AIS


John Lovett

Zone Events


Lisa Holstein

Zone Support


Nic Vanderschantz

Zone Support


Gary Nelson

Zone Training


Cory Lang

Zone Property


Dene Richards

Zone Patron