For details of upcoming events in the Zone or Region please click on the activity/event image or link below to register or find more information, or check out what else is coming up on the Zone Calendar.
Some of these events will utilise the Registration Portal at the bottom of this page to register yourself.
This short course provides practical skills training for Leaders in the Cub, Scout and Venturer sections. The focus of this session will be on map, compass, orienteering, and navigation through open and bushy areas using a variety of tools and techniques.
Click on the FIND OUT MORE link for more information. Register via the online registration portal below.
Are you a new Kaiārahi?
Do you want to learn about the Award Scheme, SPICES, how the Better World badges work, how Youth Led practices can work for you?
Are you an experienced Kaiārahi but want to have a refresher on the new programme now that your section has transitioned and after further guidance on how to run a youth-lead programme?
Click on the FIND OUT MORE link below for more information.
Registrations to be completed via the online registration portal below.
Youth & Leader/Adult registrations for the 2025 49th annual Piopio Adventure Camp are now open.
Click on the FIND OUT MORE link to access more information about the camp and how to register.
All enquiries to
This short course provides practical skills training for Leaders. The focus of this session will be on ropes, rope care, core Scouting knots and their uses, lashing and pioneering construction.
Click on the FIND OUT MORE link below for more information.
Registrations to be completed via the online registration portal below.
Campfire course afternoon/evening faciliated by experienced Leaders who have run Campfires for many years. If you know nothing about running a campfire, a little or even a lot then this course is for you. It will give you lots of fresh ideas to keep everyone involved and entertained at your next campfire.
Further details and registrations available July. Enquiries to
In the meantime to register your interest or for further information click on the Find Out More link below.